Operational Management

The technical operational management of the communication systems by Voxtronic, guarantees the successful operation of your facility and deals with all tasks that are essential for a technically perfect condition of the communication equipment. Only well-maintained and always operational systems ensure the predicted performance.

Scope of service

These tasks include a variety of services that must be provided daily by the technical operational management. This concerns precautionary measures, such as regular maintenance and technical checks of the system units.

  • System monitoring
  • Reports
  • Maintenance
  • System history
  • Optimization measures

System monitoring

In order to avoid malfunctions or failures and prevent interruptions of operations, the operating parameters must also be constantly monitored.

In the area of supervision, active and regular remote monitoring is performed by software in order to be able to react quickly to incoming fault messages.

If required, the technical operational management will initiate service calls and monitor their proper implementation. At the same time it´s in constant readiness to coordinate troubleshooting measures quickly and flexibly.


The technical operational management also includes the documentation of all events as well as the technical condition of the facilities, the storage of all operational reports and current operating data.

By reporting on events and performance data, such as performance and asset availability, the operator is kept regularly informed as detailed and accurate as possible.

To determine performance indicators, the operating data will be documented and compared with the specified values.

Due to the constant communication with all involved contacts, the technical management is always up to date of their system.