ED137 Gateway – Join™ VLC

Join™ VLC is a gateway for the integration of analog VCCS sources which support EUROCAE ED137. Join™ VLC provides a number of interfaces for different end devices in the modern ATC environment.
Data streams can be recorded and special features can be processed.

  • Various redundancy concepts
  • Operation with or without server infrastructure
  • Centralized as well as decentralized solution conception
  • Robust construction
  • Various designs
  • Different operating modes
  • Digital inputs and contactors
  • Integrated serial interfaces
  • Reliable and legal documentation

Infrastruktur mit Kommunikationsserver Voxtronic Conex™

Hierbei wird das Gateway von einem VCCS Server angesteuert. Unterschiedlichste Redundanzkonzepte sind möglich sowie ein zentrales Management mittels Conex™ TCMS.

Local Battery

Join™ VLC connects active phones with local battery via VoIP. The gateway can be extended by a Ring Tone Generator (RTG) to generate the ring tone. Contacts can also control an external ring tone generator.

Analog Radio and Digital Radio

Radio systems can be connected via 2-wire or 4-wire. The PTT button is controlled by contactors or by center tapping. An assignment of the channel is detected by digital inputs and signaled via contactors. Additional digital radio data (such as TETRA) can be transferred via RS232 or RS485 interfaces.

Public Address System (PAS)

Single-directional or two-way-directional public address systems are connected via the analog interface (2-wire or 4-wire). Join™ VLC can be used in conjunction with sonic applications with or without amplifier modules. External amplifiers are controlled via contactors and external contacts are evaluated via digital inputs.

Public Telephony and Company Telephony

Join™ VLC supports FXO/FXS operating mode for analog connection to public telephony (PBX), trunks (PSTN) and phones of company telephony. Features such as CLIP, CLIR, COLP, etc. are forwarded as transparently as DTMF tones and transmitted numbers.

Passive Connection (recording, voice documentation)

To record the communication traffic on analog lines without interference, Join™ VLC can be switched on with high impedance (operating mode high-impedance, passive). Depending on the security requirement, recordings can be encrypted and stored in compressed form and automatically transferred to another system and, depending on their relevance, deleted after a defined period of time.

Integrated Function Monitoring

Join™ VLC can be configured as functional monitoring. In this case, a DTMF signal is sent via the unused pair of the 4-wire interface and evaluated on the used pair of the 2-wire interface.
It generates test calls that can be used to check connections and lines for their functionality. The test calls check not only the status of the connection, but also the quality of the line. This can detect faulty connections, corroded lines, or incorrect patching. This automatic check is particularly important for rarely used connections, backup connections or emergency lines.

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